Saturday, March 10, 2007

Patton's rehab

Patton's rehab
Originally uploaded by sufras.
Sorry there has been a slight lapse in posting, life gets hectic and unfortunately this has been neglected.

Patton continues to improve. He still fights on his exercises, especially when it comes to his left leg. He will let you do something for maybe 4 seconds and then decide he has had enough. The right side he is more then willing as long as you are massaging him at the same time.

This past Thursday he had his second physical therapy appointment. Some improvement but he still has a long way to go. He is still under restricted activity until X-rays on March 21 when we(fingers crossed) get the all clear that he is healed.

More exercises have been added to strengthen his muscles. The right leg is in worse shape then the left. The trick again with Patton is to trick him into working. We have come up with us laying on the floor and having Patton step over us. He does this already, so should be fairly easy for him. We just have to make sure he doesn't jump over. Another easy exercise is for the boys to lift him up from under his chest so his front legs are slightly off the floor. Again, something that he is use to and will put his full weight on his hind legs. Patton also likes to "punch" you with his front legs, so when he does this we usually grab his leg, this will help shift his weight to the opposite rear leg, again helping with strengthening. This is also being done on a step with his front legs on the step and gently lifting one front leg.

With the weather getting nicer our walks are getting longer. Good for him.......and me.

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