Sunday, December 10, 2006

3 Days Post Op

After a slightly rough night, I am glad to say that Patton is doing very well. He whimpered a lot during the night and fell asleep in his crate, however, around 2 am he decided that he wanted to be upstairs with us like always. And he began to whimper, then full blown howling which lasted about 30-45 min before he settled back down again. Normally he would sleep up in our room but I am not ready(nor him physically) for him to attempt making a flight of stairs. The two steps into the house are enough of a challenge for me.

Hardly any whimpering today, and he is getting around much better. He spent a good portion of the afternoon playing with his toys(though from a lying position). His appetite is slowly picking back up again. Tonight, I was able to remove the bandage that you see in the pictures I posted yesterday. That incision has stopped weeping and looks good. Hopefully, all will be quiet tonight. As far as the exercises go, he doesn't mind most of them except the one that requires the leg to be straightened and then moved to the back(as if he was walking) and then contracted up to the hind quarter. That we shall work on, but the therapist said not to push him any further then he is ready for, each time should get a little better. As one that has had knee surgery, I know how he feels.

So baby steps for him for now but it can only get better.

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